Convert web articles into printable PDFs

Simple Print is a free service intended to be an easy way to produce printable PDFs from web articles. It is developed as part of the project to make web articles more accessible.

It uses Full-Text RSS and PDF Newspaper to extract the article's content and produce a clean HTML copy. It then relies on Headless Chromium to generate the PDF.

To avoid situations where an article will use an extra printed page for a small overrun, Simple Print produces 3 PDFs with slighly varying font sizes and keeps the copy with the fewest pages and largest font size.

To edit the content before printing, head on over to PDF Newspaper and after entering a URL, select HTML output. You'll then get to edit the content in your browser before printing.

Simple Print will soon be released as a self-hostable package, as part of PDF Newspaper.

For easier access, you can add a button to Firefox, Chrome, or use the bookmarklet: Print Article

If you enjoy the service, please consider becoming a sustainer. Sustainer memberships allow us to continue developing the service and help keep it free.